
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師

英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!


Candlemas comes from an ancient festival of light, marking the mid-point of winter, on 2nd. February, half way between the shortest day of winter and the spring equinox.


◎語注 Candlemas聖燭節」 spring equinox春分



聖燭節(Candlemas)は、冬至(昼が一番短い)と春分の間の2月2日に行なわれていた昔の「明りの祭り(festival of light)」に由来します。




It became a Christian festival too and was called Candlemas because this was the day that all the Church's candles for the year were blessed. Candles were important in ancient times, when there was no electric light. On Candlemas night, many people place lighted candles in their windows at home. 


語注 bless清めて(神に)ささげる







Another name for Candlemas is the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It commemorates the ritual purification of Mary, 40 days after the birth of her son Jesus.



Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary聖母マリアの清めの祝日」 commemorate祝う」 ritual儀式として行なわれる、儀式」  purification清め







Setsubun ("seasonal division") is a festival held on February 3 or 4. According to the Japanese lunar calendar, it is not mid-winter, but the day before the start of spring. People perform rituals to chase away evil spirits at the start of spring. These days, the most common ritual is the throwing of roasted beans around the house or at temples and shrines. When throwing the beans, you are supposed to shout "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" ("Devils out, happiness in"). Afterwards you pick up and eat the number of beans, which corresponds to your age.



lunar calendar旧暦、太陰暦」 chase away追い払う」 evil邪悪な roast炒る」 correspond to ~~と一致する」








“I want to invite you to a Candlemas party with my friends. We will light candles to celebrate the middle of winter.”


“I want to invite you to celebrate the beginning of spring. Would you like to come with me to Asakusa temple to see the setsubun festival?”




順子    :私は立春のお祝いにご招待します。浅草寺の節分祭りに一緒に行きませんか。 


<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Catharine Nagashima
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