
英文読解“One Clever Mouse”
  • 関東学院大学文学部
Joe Mckim准教授





There's a certain error that occurred in a freshman girl's writing about two years ago that I've never forgotten. The assignment was to compare two teachers with an emphasis on the differences between them. One of the students wrote:






Ms. T. always uses a blackboard. However, Ms. S. does not use a blackboard. She teaches me by word of her mouse only.



T先生はいつも黒板を使います。一方、S先生は黒板を使わず、ネズミの言葉だけで(by word of mouthの間違い)教えます。





Clearly, the student intended to say that Ms. S. teaches solely by lecture, without any visual aids. She tried to use the idiom "by word of mouth," which usually refers to rumors or reputations that are spread from person to person orally, but the idiom doesn't quite work in this situation. 


 by word of mouth「口頭で、口コミで」 







Although I didn't get a correct and logical sentence from this student, I could get something better. What I got from her--and what you also have just now gotten, I think--is a truly wonderful mental picture to dwell on.  


◎ dwell on「~について詳しく話す、書く」







The picture may vary from person to person. In my case, I imagine Ms. S. standing in front of her class with a little mouse on her shoulder. I don't see a cartoon mouse like a Disney character. I see a real, live mouse, running back and forth across Ms. S's neck from one shoulder to the other. I see Ms. S. whispering some words to the mouse, and then the mouse speaking loudly to the class--so that Ms. S. really teaches the class "by word of mouse." I should mention that Ms. S. is a French teacher, so perhaps she whispers a sentence in Japanese and then the mouse translates what she says into fluent French. 







This was not the only time that one of my students has had a strange experience that involved rodents. One of my students told me that she had to go to a beauty salon because she was not satisfied with her "hares," and another told me that she was excited about a new "shopping mole" near her home. The shopping mole offers us an exciting visual image, too. Personally, though, I have a special place in my heart for the mouse on the French teacher's shoulder.


rodent「げっし動物(ネズミ、リス、ビーバーなど)」 hare「ノウサギ」(発音はhair「髪の毛」も同じ;ただし「髪」という一般的な意味では単数形が普通。ここでは複数にしたので ‘hares’と 間違えられてしまった。) mole「モグラ」([モウル]:mall [モール]「遊歩道;モール」)



学生が体験した、げっし動物に関連する奇妙な話はこれだけではありません。ある学生は「ノウサギ(hairの間違い)」が気に入らないから美容院に行く、別の学生は家の近くの新しい「ショッピング・モグラ(shopping mallの間違い)」に興奮した、と言っていました。ショッピング・モグラからも、面白い視覚的なイメージがわきます。でも、個人的にはフランス語の先生の肩に乗っているネズミが特に心に残っています。

<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>

Joe Mckim
関東学院大学文学部准教授。専門は英語学、英語教育法。米国イリノイ州出身。1990年に明治学院大学を経て現職に就く。研究テーマ:Learners’ planning processes for second-language speaking and writing tasks  Second-language test-taking strategies
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