
TOEIC®英文法講座:should と had better
  • 日本医科大学
Timothy Minton准教授

TOEIC®英文法講座:should と had better


As you probably know, both 'should' and 'had better' can be used to give advice:  


1. You should eat more vegetables.  
2. You look terrible. You had better go and see the doctor.  



shouldとhad betterは助言を与えるときに使われます。


1. もっと野菜を食べた方がいいですよ。

2. 具合が悪そうですね。お医者さんに診てもらったほうがいいですよ。




But does this mean that the following are also correct?  

1a You had better eat more vegetables.  

2a You look terrible. You should go and see the doctor.  

The short answer is that there's no problem with 2a but that 1a probably isn't appropriate. It depends on the context, of course-context is always important! 










Basically, 'had better' is used to give your opinion about what the best thing to do (the best course of action) would be in one particular situation that exists at the time of speaking. This is generally described as “giving advice”. However, it is also perfectly possible to use 'I' as the subject of sentences including 'had better' (I'd better get going now, etc.). Since giving advice to yourself might be considered a slightly peculiar thing to do, I would say that this idea of expressing an opinion is probably more helpful than explaining 'had better' as a way of giving advice.


But the important point is what I wrote above about the use of 'had better' in reference to one particular situation that exists at the time of speaking. The problem with sentence 1a is that it looks as if the speaker is saying the other person should eat more vegetables generally, i.e. that the other person should eat more vegetables every day. This makes the use of 'had better'



peculiar変な」/ in reference to~に関して



基本的に had better は「話している時点でのある特定の状況」でこうしたら一番良いという「意見」を述べるときに使われます。これが一般に「助言を与える」と表現されるものです。had betterを含む文の主語として('You'でなく)'I'を使う事も出来ますが、自分自身に助言を与えるというのは少し変なので、had betterは「意見を表明する」ときに使うと説明した方がわかりやすいでしょう。


ここで大事なことは、話している時点の「特定の状況」に関してhad betterが使われるということです。上記1aが問題なのは、話者が聞き手にあたかも「一般的に」、つまり、毎日もっと野菜を食べた方がいいと言っているようなので、had betterを使うのは不適切になるわけです。




Let's take a simple example:  

You had better go to bed early tonight. [o]  

You had better go to bed early every night. [x]  




「今晩」早く寝た方がいいですよ [o]

「毎晩」早く寝た方がいいですよ [x]



The first sentence refers to one particular situation that exists at the time of speaking: maybe the other person has to take an important exam tomorrow morning, for example. The second sentence is general advice, so the use of 'had better' is strange. In either sentence, you could use 'should', so clearly it is safer to use 'should' if you are in doubt.  



最初の文は、話している時点の特定の状況です。たとえば明日の朝に大事なテストがあるのかもしれません。二番目の文は「一般的な」助言なのでhad betterを使うのは変です。どちらの文にもshouldは使えるので、自信のないときはshouldを使うほうが安全でしょう。




There is more to say about 'had better', but it will have to wait until my next article!  



had betterについて、まだ続きがあります。次回をお楽しみに!




用法ですが「~したほうがよい」は上例のように had better+原型動詞で用いますが、「~しないほうがよい」はhad better not +原型動詞です。


例:You had better not eat too much now. (今はあまり食べ過ぎないほうがいいですよ)


★語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師


Timothy Minton
  • 初級編
  • 中級編