
英文読解“Spring has come”
  • 横浜市立大学
Catharine Nagashima非常勤講師

英文読解 英文を読むことに慣れよう!


In the Northern hemisphere, April means Spring. For many people, it is their favourite time of the year. When Robert Browning was living in Italy, he wrote the poem "Home thoughts from Abroad" that begins, "Oh to be in England, Now that April's there". He was missing the green leaves and bird songs of Spring in his home country. When my daughter came home from kindergarten singing "Spring has come" ("Haru ga kita") many years ago when we lived in Singapore, it made me long for the Spring in Japan, which had become my second home country.  


hemisphere半球 Robert Browning (1812-1889) イギリスの詩人 long for~~を思いこがれる
 favourite(イギリス英語) アメリカ英語では favorite







In Japan April is the beginning of the first term of the academic year. Children begin new lives in school uniform, and pose to be photographed under the cherry blossoms. In Britain, April is the beginning of the last term of the academic year
after which it will be the summer holidays. This makes for a big difference in the attitude towards summer holidays.







Which do you prefer, to start the year in April and have a summer break in the middle, or to start the year in September and end up with a summer break?








Robert in Italy: Oh to be in England, now that April's there.

Catharine in Singapore: Oh to be in Japan, now that Spring has come.

Hanako in Japan: Oh to be in New Zealand, now that Autumn has come.








同じ地球上でも4月が春のところと秋のところがあるんですね。考え方もいろいろです。先日、海外でこんなTシャツ着てる西洋人を見かけました。"Save the whales, eat the Japanese."(くじらを保護して、日本人を食べちゃえ)でも、日本には古くからくじらを食べる習慣があって…。うーん、むずかしいですね、ひとくくりに考えるのは、異文化ですから。


<語注&要旨 佐々木彩子/神奈川大学非常勤講師>


Catharine Nagashima
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